Custom Chain Mills

J&H Design and Application Engineers are experts at adapting our products to your specific needs.  On this page are just a few examples of Custom Chain Mills designed for our customers.

At left is an example of a vertical mill.  The material being fed into the mill was broken glass from a waste recycling company.  This is an extremely hard and erosive material to break into powder before melting.  Our vertical mill nearly doubled the amount of operating time between blade changes, greatly increasing productivity and improving the margin of profitability for the company.  The design included impact pads all around the mill to prevent the rapid erosion of the casing and easy access for quick maintenance on the blades.


On the other extreme, for products that are friable and do not need the action of the double rotor for good pulverization, the single rotor Thrasher is an alternative to the J&H HD Chain mill.  This mill has been used in a number of applications where space is limited and the product material is suitable.

See J&H Custom Chain Mills brochure or return to J&H Crusher main page.

For breaking up larger clumps or coarser material, see the J&H Lump Breaker.